Transcription Guidelines

1. Remain as faithful to the original document as possible, including spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and formatting (e.g. underlining).
   • This includes capitalizing words in the middle of a sentence.
   • Add accents only if they are there in the original.

Exception 1: Write out abbreviations.
Exception 2: Separate individual words, even if they appear to be connected in the original. For example: “de la” rather than “dela”.

2. For words that are crossed out but still visible, use strikethrough text. If the words are not legible, use brackets that read [deleted word] or [deleted words].

3. For words that are inserted into the text, use brackets before and after the insertion: [begin inserted text] and [end inserted text].

4. Where the text is missing or unclear, use brackets with a question mark [? ] to indicate where this occurs.  If you have a reasonable guess for what the unclear text might be, include your guess followed by a question mark in brackets. For example: [desprecio?]
5. For marginal notations that refer directly to specific passages in the text, include the notations in braces { }. For example {ojo} or {cita}. Other marginal notations that don’t refer directly to specific passages should not be included in braces but included as a separate marginal notation in footnotes.

6. Indicate rubrics in the text with [rubric]. Indicate original signatures with [original signature].